The Beginning (1949-1959)

In the fall of 1949 at the invitation of the Trenton Junior Chamber of Commerce (JCC) Harry Mulder and a small group of young singers recently graduated from Trenton High School gave a concert in the Hotel Hildenbrecht in downtown Trenton. This short performance of three songs was so well received that the students, with the support of JCC, convince Harry Mulder to continue as a permanent ensemble.

Wilson Sturdevant and Tylor Winner went to the Trenton Junior Chamber of Commerce and requested that they sponsor the Trenton Community Chorus. Sturdevant then continued on as Chairperson of the project after approved. The group adopted the name Greater Trenton Choral Society and practice was held at the City Hall in Trenton. Harry Mulders philosophy was to open up membership to anyone who could carry a tune, a philosophy that continues today, and the group steadily grew. 

In June 1950 a concert was held at the Stacy Trent Hotel on Trenton. In attendance were the Jaycees, their wives, and a small audience. This begins the long tradition of providing performances of some of the greatest works of choral literature to the area's music lovers.  

By October of 1950, the group had grown to 65 members with a waiting list of singers hoping to join. Due to this growth in membership, practice was moved to WTTM Auditorium in Trenton.

With the sponsorship of the Jaycees, on December 11th 1950, a Christmas music program was held outside the steps of City Hall. With about 50 people in the audience, this concert was recorded by the WTTM radio station and later broadcasted over the radio. 

The Junior Chamber of Commerce continued to be the main sponsor of the program but, as the group grew, additional sponsorship becomes necessary. Some funding for the chorus is now being provided by Mercer County Recreation Commission as well as access to the Trento War Memorial building. The chorus first performance at the Trenton War Memorial occurs in March of 1951 as part of Music Festival Concert.

In spite of the success of the chorus, in November of 1951, Wilson Sturdevant resigns as Jaycee Chairperson. There is difficulty in replacing him, the chorus almost folds. Ultimately, in December 1951, Mario Lombardo steps up as Jaycee chairperson, and the chorus continues. 

In 1952 Freeholder Chairperson Richard J. Coffee sponsors additional funding thru the Mercer County Park Commission, funding that continues to some extend today.

By May of 1952, membership has grown to 100 singers, and the practices location is moved from the WTTM auditorium to the War Memorial. The concert held on December 12, 1952 in the small auditorium of the Trenton War Memorial marks the completion of the first full year of planned music for the group.

December 1954. This appears to be the first performance of Handel's Messiah by the group. It was held at the War memorial. The Christmas portion was done in December and was followed by the Easter portion in the Spring concert in 1955. This piece of music has reminded a staple of this group over the years. 

May of 1956 Spring Festival of Song was held in the War Memorial featuring a variety of classical and contemporary music. This began a yearly tradition carried on for many years.

By May of 1958, the chorus grew to 111 members and continued to hold its concerts at the War Memorial. 

On December 1958, the chorus changed it's name to Mercer County chorus. 

On December 14, 1958 a Christmas concert was held at the War Memorial, that consisted of some typical Christmas favorites and included an audience and chorus sing of Christmas Carols. 

May 19, 1959 King David by Arthur Honegger was performed at the Trinity Cathedral. The group was accompanied by an organist, a harpist, and a percussionist.

                                                        Stay tuned for...

                                                                         The Second Decade (1960-1969)!

Central Jersey Choral Society

Providing choral music to the Mercer County community has been the mission of the Central Jersey Choral Society since it's creation 75 years ago. Much has changed over the years including several name changes but the mission reminded the same. During this celebratory year, we will highlight the progress that has led to the long term success of this group. Many have contributed to this success and as we look thru the historical records one thing always stands out: the singers. Over the years, hundreds of singers have added their voices to this group, without which there would be no chorus. Therefore, we would like to thank you all; past, present and (yes) future singers. Without you we would not be able to continue to provide choral music to Mercer County. 

We hope you will consider joining us with your voice, your presence at out concerts and events, or in spirit as we celebrate our 75th anniversary.   

Now, we start our walk down memory lane...